Customer service so above-and-beyond helpful and friendly, you’ll feel like you’re hanging out with us in a shop on Main Street, not on the internet. Robot chats? Automated answers? Not our style. We love to talk to our customers the old-fashioned way – one on one.
What is important to you is important to us, so when you talk, we listen. And listen. And listen.
Because we’re not selling widgets or power tools – we’re selling something much more powerful and personal. Boots aren’t just – well, boots. They make our hearts remember. They make us feel like who we used to be, or who we’d like to be. Probably the first thing you’d grab if your house was on fire – well, that and your dog.
Boots become family and buyers become friends. Makes our day to hear how our boots have restored their mojo and have them dancing in the streets, happy as clams.
One buyer always wears her cowboy boots to chemotherapy, as her personal armor. Another is recovering from a brain tumor scare, and wanted a pair of ebulliently sassy cowboy boots to celebrate her newfound passion for life every day. A wheelchair-bound buyer buys boots from us to thumb their nose at the disease that has them disabled at the age of 30. Another buyer asked us to find the exact boots that his dad had loved and practically lived in fifty years ago. We did, and delivered them in time for his dad’s 90th birthday bash. We made a 20-something young man in Moscow a happy guy, when we found him the same boots that his favorite rock star wears, so he can do a cover video on Youtube.

Merci beaucoup and thanks
Best ever thank-you note from a delighted buyer in Paris: “This is the story of a rare encounter with real people, forming a super team – a family – behind a name that is your philosophy : Old Rebel Boots. Proud makers of their work and happy to share it with all those who appreciate it.”

Main Street Manners
We’re big fans of the way that the Japanese think of customer service. They call it omotenashi, or hospitality – providing high quality personal service that anticipates your needs and wants, exceeds expectations and makes you feel like one of the family.
We call it “Main Street manners” – the kind you’d expect from a shopkeeper on Main Street. Where “How you doin’, and how’s your mama?” is more important than “Cash or credit card?”. Building our business out of dust and dreams has been a “takes a village” collaboration between the ladies of Old Rebel Boots, and our community of Rebels and Rebelles who love who we are, what we do, and why we do it. So we listen to what you want, and learn what you need to make you the happiest buyer on earth.
You’ll catch us red-handed, bending over backwards to provide customer service that goes way beyond just thank you notes and pretty wrapping.

Game On
Most online buying is about as personal as putting change in a vending machine. You pay, you get your item, and you walk away. You might buy from the vending machine again – if you happen to be walking past it with a pocket full of change.
We’re setting out to change all that. There isn’t anything we won’t tackle in our take-no-prisoners campaign to make you part of our loyal posse of #Rebels and #Rebelles, who love who we are, what we do, and why we do it. Who give in to temptation every time we post another pair of boots. And help us spread the gospel of Old Rebel Boots on facebook, instagram, twitter and over coffee with your best friends. As one of our posse says, “Word of mouth is a powerful thing, and I’ve got a big one.”
On the fence about how a pair of boots is going to fit you? We’ll measure them inside and out for you – or ask for your foot measurements so we can make a paper mock-up of your foot to see how it fits. Questions about a custom made pair of boots? We’ll call up the boot maker – if they’re still around – and get you answers straight from the horse’s mouth.
Need it sent to a different address? Or sent out Saturday morning? No worries. Wear a size 11 in Tony Lama but fallen hard for a pair of our Luccheses? We’ll line up the same size boots in different brands to compare length and width.
Pining for that special pair of boots that you loved and lost along the way [or always wanted]? Let us know – we love a good challenge. If its out there, we’ll find it for you.